Legal Disclaimer

Squared School does not make any guarantees, representations or warranties, whether express or implied, as to the achievement level of students or their performance on standardized tests, as these outcomes depend on students' efforts, aptitude, and other factors.  Squared School does not guarantee that its lessons, programs, curriculum, tests, quizzes and homework assignments are error-free. The curriculum and the content of the courses offered by the Squared School may change without notice and certain subjects and topics may not be covered. The program offered by Squared School may evolve and change over time.  We will try to keep the content of the website updated to reflect such changes, but the website may not always reflect accurately all the details of the program and the activities we offer. Participation in the Squared School program and any activities are subject to the signing of an Enrollment Form or other appropriate enrollment documents and are subject to the Squared School policies and rules.  Squared School reserves the right to make final admission and class placement decisions, as well as to expel students from the program if it deems their participation to be detrimental to other students or staff.